
Conscious Communities provides groundbreaking programs that empower individuals and organizations to practice collective responsibility towards eliminating violence in our communities.

Building a more peaceful, just, and humane world.

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We strive to reach a wide range of audiences with a focus on diversity, inclusivity and equity that transforms social norms. We facilitate conversations with professionals, youth, and the community to build awareness and develop the skills and tools to effectively respond to violence, abuse and harassment. We also work with advocates, policymakers, and others to build trust and crucial relationships through sustainable community leadership. We educate people everywhere about the importance of respect and healthy interpersonal relationships.

We envision a world without violence in all communities that provides education, safety, and hope.




Our guiding star of the initiative is to birth violence-free communities where healthy, thriving and safe youth can become healthy, thriving and safe adults.

We’ve developed innovative curriculum focused on violence prevention among youth, with an emphasis on diversity and inclusivity.