What subjects are covered by these films and curriculum?
This is the age when young people develop their own ideas about what is, and what is not appropriate relationship behavior, what is a safe and healthy relationship -- Don't let these statistics become the acceptable definition. The more you know, the more you can help create a conscious relationship, family, school and organization.
The curricula covers a number of topics such as identifying types of abuse, power and control wheels, why people abuse, why people stay in unhealthy relationships, texting, social media and network, digital abuse, consent, setting boundaries, conflict transformation, diversity, equity and inclusivity, and LGBTQ relationships.
What is the audience for the film?
All community members are an audience for these films. Those who exercise leadership in the community, have a role in creating safe and respectful environments. Parents, youth supporting adults, and coaches benefit from understanding the dynamics of current trends and how to support and intervene when they notice signs of unhealthy relationships. Educators facilitate skill building and healthy behavior development by providing prevention opportunities through guided discussions. Our youth learn directly from facilitation of this curriculum skills that will help them identify signs and symptoms of unhealthy relationships, what they can do, how to support their peers, and ultimately practice their own leadership in creating a safe environment.
I’m an educator, how may I see the film?
Please contact Conscious Communities to discuss avenues to bring these films to your organization. A private preview is available.
How much does the curriculum and training cost?
Conscious Communities can partner with your organization to leverage funds from foundations, grants, existing funds, and collaborations. Costs include access to the films, facilitation, material and curriculum.